quasi real time中文什么意思

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  1. The theory of optical interference is analyzed , the measurement of small out - of - plane vibrations in quasi real time using a photorefractive crystal as a medium for recording interference fringes is discussed
  2. Detaildiscussion and partition of it is given according to the research contellts , methods , tfor spanand objective function etc . the method applied here , genetic algorithin ( ga ) for reactivepower planning problem and interior point method ( ipm ) for quasi real time voltage / reactivepower control are separate surnmarized fully and comprehensively hence , two aspects ofreactive power operating optimization , i . e . optimal reactive power compensation planning andquasi - real time voltage / reactive power control are studied in detail in this thesis withintelligent method , such as fully mathematic and expert system etc . , integrated


  1. quasi quantitative 什么意思
  2. quasi random 什么意思
  3. quasi random access memory 什么意思
  4. quasi random sampling 什么意思
  5. quasi real right 什么意思
  6. quasi real-time 什么意思
  7. quasi real-time imaging 什么意思
  8. quasi rectilinear stress diagram 什么意思
  9. quasi reentrant 什么意思
  10. quasi regular 什么意思


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